Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Let’s start with the Webster’s online definition of selfish: self·ish

adj \ˈsel-fish\
Definition of SELFISH
: concerned excessively or exclusively with oneself : seeking or concentrating on one's own advantage, pleasure, or well-being without regard for others

Gee, that sounds terrible…and I disagree, completely. Selfish is taking care of your own happiness. If you are happy and well, then and only then, will you be able to help others. Think about it, an unhappy cranky Mom is of no good to anyone is she? (And on this I speak from experience…yes I have had my cranky moments)

Example: Mother Teresa, one of the most “selfless” women in history.
For over 45 years she helped orphans, sick children and many, many others in India and other not so comfy places. Do you know why she did this….?  Because  it made her HAPPY.  Before her death she was interviewed many times, and this is what she has said.  It.Made.Her.Happy.

Let’s re-think selfish.  I am not talking about the mean girls at school that cut in line and are generally rotten people…and the old saying goes, if you don’t know one you are one.  I am talking about taking some time for yourself.

·        Go to bed a little earlier because it feels so good to have extra sleep.

·        Go to bed a little later because you want to read or watch the rest of your favorite show.

·         Have the ice cream because it is the first one of the summer and it rocks.

·        Don’t have the ice cream because you have lost 7 pounds and want to keep going.

·        Go swimming with your friends before the summer ends

·        Don’t go swimming because frankly you do not like the way you look in your bathing suit today.

Are you getting it? Unfortunately, we all have to do things we may not feel like doing chores, homework, going to school. But we have to do them. Right now school is your job…you’ve got to do it. So when you have some time to yourself…be selfish. The more you are selfish with yourself the happier you will be…the happier you are the nicer you will be to other people, like your brother or sister.
You will be surprised at how generous you will feel once you start being selfish.

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