Sunday, November 14, 2010

Losers…or not?

So many times you are watching someone and you just KNOW that what they are doing or the way they are acting is wrong. The burn out kid falling asleep in class…the completely stuck up girl ignoring everybody…you just KNOW that this is all wrong.
Let’s look at this closer. We will start with the burn out falling asleep in class. Chances are very good that he was partying late into the night and can barely keep his head off of his desk in class which explains why he also does not have his homework done. We know he is a loser…I am with you on this…loser!!!  Or maybe…just maybe, he is not a loser. Maybe his parents have lost their jobs or divorced and money is now a problem.  Maybe he is working at night to help the family buy food and oil so there is heat on for the winter.   
Let’s look at the snob that will not speak to anyone, ever. I am not talking about the popular girl who will only speak to you if you are cool. I mean the truly stuck up girl that is just too good to talk to anyone. Maybe...just maybe she is shy, painfully shy. So shy it is easier to let people think she is a snob than to actually speak to them. 
Very often things are as they seem, but every once in a while they are not.  I am assuming this has happened to you. Your parentals giving you a hard time because they thought you lied or you were texting when you were not supposed to be…and for once you really were not doing those things…but you got in trouble anyway. Same goes for other people, cut them a break, do not judge. Maybe someday somebody will cut you a break and assume the best of you, not the worst.
And be nice.

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